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Zen Forest
Carolyn Zonailo
Caitlin Press
Vancouver, B.C.
Carolyn Zonailo is a West Coast lyric poet. Born and raised in
Vancouver, she traveled extensively in British Columbia with her
family. Previous books include The Wide Arable Land,
and A Portrait of Paradise. In Zen Forest she
continues to explore relationships between psyche, language and
Critical Praise for Zen Forest
“…in her Zen Forest she remains closely attached
to physical presences, sensing their manna, and, despite her Buddhist
title, I would see her poetry as expressing a deep Taoist empathy
with the natural world.”
George Woodcock, B.C. Bookworld
“Zen Forest by Carolyn
Zonailo is a substantial work. Opening its pages, we are confronted
with a wide range of subject matter and styles: personal meditations,
recollections, chants, charms, a witch's spell, an adaptation
of the childhood rhyme-and-prayer, ‘Now I Lay Me Down to
Sleep’, an imitation of Wallace Steven's ‘Thirteen
Ways of Looking at a Blackbird’, lines after a poem by Theodore
Roethke, and a long, discursive poem on Vancouver's beaches…
A gifted lyricist who spent a lot of time at her craft, Zonailo
writes with a depth, a quality of spiritual insight, which is
Mona Elaine Adilman, Canadian Poetry
“Carolyn Zonailo…is more than a poet of promise,
she is already a poet of some achievement. Her work is distinguished
by a diligent commitment to imaginative growth.”
Marya Fiamengo, Canadian Literature
“Carolyn Zonailo's Zen
Forest is a densely packed collection of poems about spiritual
experience. The experience of death is one of the central concerns.”
Lavinia Inbar, Capilano Review