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3. A Poetics

The religious locus is in the de-secularization of religion.

Sexual relations are organized around the dissolution of sexual roles & the reevaluated status of the nuclear family.

There is no faith in productivity, nor in abandoning the planet to apocalyptic doom, the converse of materialism.

Love, the spiritual-sexual bond which isolated men and women into genders, is obsolete.

In art there is a turning away from abstraction into the philosophy that the mind of the artist creates art & its conventions.

Experience isn't linear, nor is it cyclical, it is random.

Memory, a salvation for other generations, is only a facet of experience.

There is a belief in the comic mode, which some maintain is an indication of the collapse of a civilization.

The continuation of day-to-day living is a cause for celebration.

Madness, the preoccupation of the first half of this century, is no longer a concern.

In poetry, it is the carving out of an individual style & voice.

There is no such thing as a school of writing, only separate writers, each with limitations of style & perception.

This is not an apotheosis of the subjective because any one poetics is only a segment of the entire.

Likewise love isn't self-love, nor is it exclusive, it is a-stereotypical, a circuit connecting individuals, but not locating in any one center.

  Carolyn Zonailo
Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Copyright by Carolyn Zonailo: www.carolynzonailo.com, 2004

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