The Red Alabaster Heart
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The left side of my heart falls in love
and does not stop to reconsider.
It is perfect and flawless.
It is steadfast. It is devoted.
It is almost as perfect
as the heart-shaped contours
of this sculpted alabaster heart.
Yes, it is as close to perfect
as anyone could wish.
I will give you my heart
but before you accept it—
there is the wayward right side.
The right side has fortified itself
against the cries of drowning kittens.
It has cried out in pain
and sworn never to love again.
It has pined after forbidden loves,
desired illicit lovers.
It has protested against discrimination.
It has refused to be tamed,
trained or silent.
It came into the world pumping blood
and crying aloud the cries of complaint.
It has not ceased pumping blood or complaining.
It beats for independence.
It beats for freedom.
It beats like a drum
and does not want
to cease from
These two sides of my heart
together form one heart.
They have little in common
but like the two sides of a coin
these two halves cannot be separated.
Consider this: taken in its entirety
my heart is not nearly as perfect
as the red alabaster heart.
Copyright by Carolyn Zonailo:,
2004 |