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CZ.com | Articles | Neither War Nor Silence | ||
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Neither War Nor Silence
My ancestors chose neither war nor silence. Their course of action was to rebel against the powers of both organized religion and the state, with little guidance except their own intuition and sense of universal human dignity. The people I am descended from decided, in the 1700s and 1800s in Russia, to live with conscience, take a stand against war, and follow a singular path. They separated from the Russian Orthodox Church, an enormously powerful institution in those times. They refused to swear allegiance to, or take up military service for, the Czarist state. Truly, to turn away from the values of the Orthodox Church and their duties towards the Czar was an incredibly brave, fool-hardy, courageous and unique action for the people of my heritage to undertake. These people I am descended from are called Doukhobors. The term was coined by Archbishop Ambrosius of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1785. He called these religious dissidents "doukho-bortsi", or Spirit Wrestlers. What was originally intended as a derogatory term was then appropriated by my ancestors to identify themselves. The Spirit Wrestlers are a Christian-type sect; they are not Christians per se. theirs is more a philosophy of life, or a religious philosophy. Doukhobors believe in the spiritual power of love, rather than in any form of violence. They do not have a transcendent belief. The Doukhobors believe that "God is a word. God is spirit. God is love. Where there is love, there is God." Given the above description of who my ancestors are, it doesn't take much imagination to realize that the Doukhobors did not make themselves popular with the powers that controlled Russia in the later part of the nineteenth century. Doukhobors were originally from many different regions of Russia, as well as from various social levels. The majority of Doukhobors were, however, landed peasants who farmed and worked their own land. There were also Doukhobors who were from the professional classes, such as lawyers. But because they were dissidents, the state began to take away their land and money, and to group together Doukhobors from many different areas of the country. The Doukhobors faced increasing persecution and by the final decade of the 1800s most Spirit Wrestlers were exiled farther and farther away. They ended up in the remote mountainous region of the Caucasus−obviously a terrain not well suited to the Doukhobors' communal, agrarian lifestyle which characterized them by this time. The Czarist state and the Orthodox Church refrained from outright killing these troublesome dissenters, but by gathering them together, taking away their land and resources, and locating them where they couldn't farm and sustain themselves, the attempt was to silence them. Under mounting persecution, the Doukhobors held to their ideas of love rather than violence; equality between genders; and their own inner spiritual connection with God rather than through the intermediaries of the Orthodox Church. Against all odds, the Spirit Wrestlers maintained their identity and philosophy of life. They continued to refuse to take the oath of allegiance to the Czar; they would not serve military duty, which included taking up firearms, going to war, and killing fellow humans. "The story of the Doukhobors is an inspirational one of hardship and perseverance, determination and faith…" (The Canora Courier, 2009).
On June 29, 1895, about 7,000 Spirit Wrestlers burned their weapons in a decisive demonstration of pacifism. In effect, the Burning of Guns in Russia probably became the world's first Peace Rally. The Doukhobors took this concrete and highly visible action to make their point that to kill another person is to kill the spirit of God within that individual. This collective act of defiance brought harsh and severe oppression from the Czarist state and Orthodox religious authorities. The story goes that the Cossack soldiers on horseback were ordered to ride into the crowd of Doukhobors in an attempt to kill men, women and children, but the horses reared up and would not proceed. Many of the dissenting men were then exiled to Siberia. Finally, the beliefs of the Doukhobors and their condition of extreme persecution in Russia came to international attention. The great writer Leo Tolstoy took an avid interest in the group. He adopted their philosophy, much to the chagrin of his wife. He wrote his final novel, Resurrection, in order to raise the funds to relocate the Doukhobors outside Russia. With the help of Tolstoy and international humanitarians, negotiations were taken up with other countries in order to find political asylum for the Doukhobors. Canada was chosen as the country where they would be relocated, because it offered the best terms and was in need of such people to help clear and farm its western regions. Land in what was then the Northwest Territories and is now northern Saskatchewan was put aside for the Doukhobors' communal useāand 7,500 Doukhobors emigrated in 1899, the largest en masse immigration in Canadian history. Today, in 2009, the Doukhobors have been living in Canada for 110 years. Their slogan has continued to be: "Toil and Peaceful Life." There are currently about 40,000 descendants of the original Doukhobors in Canada, and a similar number in Russia, as not every Doukhobor came to Canada in 1899. Spirit Wrestlers continue to strive for a world without war. Once in Canada, maintaining their refusal to take up military service, plus their continuing resistance to institutionalized religion and imposed rules of society, caused the Spirit Wrestlers to face ongoing persecution. The Doukhobors' history in Canada is a complex one. What they call "The Schism" occurred when roughly half the Doukhobors who came in 1899 stayed in Saskatchewan, while the other half made "the trek" to the interior of British Columbia, settling in the beautiful west Kootenay region in 1908. Some of the problems the Doukhobors have encountered in Canada include the question of communal versus individual land deeds. The original negotiation regarding this was rescinded by the Canadian government. The Schism was a result of Saskatchewan's refusal to allow the communal land deeds to stay in effect. Doukhobors also refused during war times to send their children to public schools, resulting in many of their children being taken away from their families and forced into government-run residential schools. The above examples are only a sampling of ways in which the Doukhobors have continued to undergo hardship in upholding their philosophy of life, including systemic discrimination from police and authorities. In Canada there were some Doukhobors who lived in communal settlements; some who were independent; and some of a radical nature called Sons of Freedom. Doukhobors were never formally vegetarian, although some espoused it. The Doukhobors predate Gandhi in their expression of non-violent resistance. The Sons of Freedom originated a unique method of civil disobedience−which was that of stripping off their clothing during public demonstrations and in court when put on trial. However, the Spirit Wrestlers belief in love, pacifism, individual spirituality, gender and social equality remains an important philosophical stance. These ideas, though radical at the time of their inception, have increasingly become relevant in today's global culture. I include two poems with this essay. The first is about the war in Afghanistan; and the second is about murder and destruction at the hands of Islamist militant terrorists. The first poem is a way of talking about the repressive regime of the Taliban, who espouse an ideology that is not traditional to Afghanistan. The Taliban enforced their own form of extreme fundamentalism. Taliban ideology is not only fanatical in its fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, it is misogynist, violent, and oppressive. When the Taliban took over Afghanistan they banned any form of music and they forbade women from reading. The Taliban stopped all schooling for girls; forced women to stay in the home; and used sports centres for public killings of Afghan citizens. Recently, as the Taliban moved into parts of Pakistan, more than one million people left their homes and suffered being displaced, rather than be forced to live under the severe oppression and persecution brought upon them by the Taliban. The second poem was written one year ago, almost to the day. After the terrorist killings in Mumbai, I asked myself the question, "What kind of man could carry out such murder?" Later, on the verge of sleep, I was surprised to find myself writing a direct answer to this question in the form of a poem. I am completing this essay as the world remembers the horror of November 26, 2008, in Mumbai, India. The city was held in a state of terror for three days, after ten gunmen killed 166 people. Only one of these militants who murdered people is still alive to face trial. These men took their orders from Islamist fanatics located in Pakistan. Both of the poems included with this essay are new, unpublished works from a manuscript in progress entitled The Cosmic Tree. ![]() Can/Can/Caliban Of course we can not dance There is a severe ban So many simple, human How have we managed to live When we lived in the peace How did the human race survive Music, song, dance, celebration, I believe in the women I am dancing a dance ![]() Terrorist, Mumbai 2008 What kind of man So many ways to create |
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Carolyn Zonailo has published eleven books of poetry and several chapbooks. Born in Vancouver, BC, Zonailo received her M.A. in literature from Simon Fraser University, where her papers are now archived in Special Collections and Rare Books at the W.A.C. Bennett Library. CZ has long been active with literary small press publishing, foundingCaitlin Press in Vancouver in 1977 and co-founding Coracle Press in Montreal in 2000. |
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CZ.com | Articles | Neither War Nor Silence | ||
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