A Poetics Of Memory
By Carolyn Zonailo
It was in January, 1992, just after
I had moved from the West Coast, (where I was born and raised
and had lived up until my midlife), to a small town in southwestern
Quebec. We were on a Sunday drive when we passed by a country
house with a name above the door, something not uncommon in this
area. However, the name which I spotted while driving through
a very wintry landscape was a startling name: Memory House
said the sign in plain black letters. Having just left behind
all the houses of my childhood, youth, and first-half of adulthood,
the vision of this ordinary, white wooden farmhouse with the highly
evocative name of Memory House reverberated in my imagination.
I immediately began working on a book of poems entitled Memory
House. When I was asked to participate in this panel, "Reinventing
Memory", for the Feminist Caucus, it seemed like a perfectly
natural synchronistic event, another forum in which to explore
the poetics of memory.
I'd like to quote now from a book
by Jungian analyst James Hollis, entitled The Middle Passage:
From Misery to Meaning in Midlife (Toronto: Inner City Books,
1993), in which he examines the midlife passage from what he calls
"first adulthood", into the second half of one's life.
Hollis writes:
“Many modern poets have abandoned the notion carried
by their literary ancestors, that they can address the zeitgeist
as a whole. Rather, they tend to reflect on their personal lives,
seeking some sense there, and hoping through the power of the
word to touch the lives of others. Such poetry, often called
‘confessional,’ is both intimately personal and
universal, in that we share the same human condition.”
This statement by Hollis seems
to me an appropriate one to use as a foundation for the poetics
of memory: he sees the use of personal narrative, or personal
history, in contemporary poetics as a psychological exploration
that holds within it the paradox of being universal, precisely
because it is particularized. He goes on to say:
“Much of modern art is testimony to our need to pick
through the rubble of the past, choosing here and there a cloak
of symbols which still fits, but mostly aimed at exacting meaning
from personal experience. If the spiritual well-springs of the
past are generally unavailable for the artist today, then he
or she will have to draw the longitudes and latitudes of the
soul from the shards of biography.”
These two statements form a basis
for a poetics founded on the universality of personal history,
wherein narrative or mythic examination of the details of one's
own particular experiences becomes appropriate subject matter
for the poet. This, then, becomes a poetics in which memory plays
an important and significant role.
In my reflections on memory as
part of a poetics, I have come to the realization that all use
of memory via personal history in contemporary poetry is psychological,
imaginative, and universal. But James Hillman, the foremost psychoanalytic
writer of the last twenty years, has pointed out that case histories
are fiction. "The facts of one's life are far less important
than how we remember them, how we have internalized them and are
driven by them, or how we are able to work with them." In
Hillman's terms, "memory is a form imagination can borrow
in order to make its personified images feel utterly real".
(James Hillman, Re-Visioning Psychology, N.Y.: Harper
& Row, 1975)
Thus, when we talk about the use
of memory in poetry and try to articulate a poetics of memory,
we are talking about the universals of human experience, the particulars
of a certain individual's life-story, the complexes of childhood
and mythic projection. We are also talking about the role imagination
plays not only in our personal lives but how we envision our experiences
in the art, literature and poetry we create out of those personal
life experiences. |